Original Royal Iranian Caviar is inexpensive and available in well-known wholesaler collectibles such as Wholesale Raibad imperial Caviar. Iran has the only Iranian caviar in the world where caviar can be bought at high prices and low prices. 6 kinds of the best and most valuable caviar are grown and produced in our beloved country Iran. Caviar is one of the most delicious dishes made from caviar eggs. Some species of sturgeon sterling are bred in the water resources of the northern hemisphere and in some cases grow in open water. The southern shore of the Caspian Sea, in the north of our beloved country, which is also among the magnificent lands of our country, is one of the wonderful and original places for the growth and breeding of these valuable fish. Caviar is famous all over the world and coveted for its good taste and palatability, this substance has many healing properties and heals all kinds of diseases of the body. Caviar even cures depression and some mental illnesses. Famous and delicious caviar varieties in Iran and around the world include:
gourmet wholesaler
Iranian gourmet caviar is considered a health elixir due to its originality and these health elixirs are grown, bought and sold in Iran. Iranian caviar is even a cure for cancer and cures many gastrointestinal diseases. Original Iranian caviar contains vitamins A and E. Vitamin A repairs damaged skin. And vitamin E moisturizes the skin and prevents dry skin. Characteristics of Iranian caviar: blood pressure control Help and prevent heart attacks Prevention of Alzheimer’s disease Prevent virus and disease muscle tonic treat depression The reason for breeding and buying and selling Iranian caviar Original caviar can be easily purchased from wholesalers across the wholesaler country. The supply of caviar from wholesalers allows you to purchase and supply caviar at a low and fair price. There are also 5 important Iranian sturgeon species exported to the Fur Sea, which are exported to Asian, European and Arab countries. Instead of caviar weighing between 50 and 100 grams, the price depends on any type of caviar, as the price of each caviar is different from other types. Tehran has original Iranian caviar shops and other reputable agencies around the world. This store may have the best brands and bestsellers. At first glance, it is easy to trust the validity of production facilities and shops in Iran, since there are many counterfeit sturgeon products among buyers and customers who want the products, they want for the first time. caviar at very high prices and completely worthless features to offer and sell among buyers, but only by visiting the site and a very large and reputable store Rybd caviar you can buy all kinds of products you want in your Bob Mill packages from this agency online and buy in person.
beluga caviar
The sturgeon is the largest predator in the Caspian Sea. The fish has a life expectancy of 80 years and weighs 1.5 tons. Elephant caviar, also known as Beluga Imperial caviar, is the largest sturgeon fish of its kind. Beluga Imperial caviar is one of the most expensive foods in the world. There are many fans among caviar lovers, Beluga caviar is also internationally known as Royal, and Three Zeros. The width of the caviar is more than 3m.m. It has the sexiest among the many types of caviar and is very tasty. The unique texture of Beluga Imperial caviar grains, distinctive aroma, wonderful flavour, clarity and light, All point out the differences between these different foods and their derivatives. Technical definitions Weights are selected to purchase the net weight of the caviar in the containers. Beluga caviar grows less than three millimeters in the first six months of the year due to weather conditions. If you are interested in buying sizes larger than 3 mm for export or free use, simply contact us to finalize your order. Write the date of production and the best time of consumption at the bottom of the package. Has a unique code to identify the history of the fish from the time of manufacture to the time of release (fish ID). You can find your place, species, age, release time and fish anywhere in the world. It has a lead seal that characterizes the original design of the product and protects the quality and taste of caviar. The taste is wonderful and excellent thanks to its freshness and texture.
sterling caviar our farms
sterling Caviar is a sauce made from fish eggs. It is also known as the “three Western delicacies” along with foie gras and truffles. While almost any type of fish roe can be made into caviar, caviar is technically caviar made from the eggs of sturgeon or catfish. The best caviar is Beluga caviar, Astra caviar and Sevruga caviar, which are produced in the Caspian Sea from the European caviar, Russian sturgeon and other sturgeon-shaped fish. Caviar can be added to soup or served with bread, and a la carte is mostly served with small round pancakes and whipped cream. The word “caviar” in English sometimes refers not only to caviar, but also refers to caviar-like things made from various things or liquids, such as coffee caviar (English Caviar de cafe) or cuttlefish caviar sauce In Japanese cuisine, caviar is often used to make sushi, etc. It is usually cooked with salmon or herring caviar, which is not the same as the caviar commonly used in the West. Because Russia and Iran are close to the Caspian Sea, the high-quality caviar produced by the two countries once accounted for 95% of the world market in history; in addition, the Amur River (Heilongjiang) at the junction of Russia and China lives in the Amur River (Heilongjiang), which can also be produced. In China’s Heilongjiang and Zhejiang provinces, the caviar industry is an emerging high value-added industry. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, restrictions on caviar production were lifted and the market flourished, but in just a decade, wild sturgeon became an endangered species by overfishing in 2000, and wild sturgeon fishing was restricted again. The share of caviar produced in mainland China reached 35% of the market share, and Kaluga caviar from Qiandao Lake in Zhejiang Province (“Kaluga” is the transliteration of Kaluga’s English name) has become the most expensive caviar in the world. [1][2]. Caviar refers to the eggs of wild (marine) sturgeon whose habitat is naturally located in the Caspian and Black Seas. Today, many countries, including Iran, have banned the fishing of this precious fish in favor of fish ponds, as it is in danger of extinction. High quality and original caviar from beluga, aster and soruga caviar. In order to obtain a quality end product, the processing of sturgeon requires the use of unique techniques and knowledge, which must be carried out with great care and precision. Large-scale farming has become common in fish farms around the world, especially in Iran, as the species is threatened with extinction due to overfishing. Prior to caviar extraction, the sturgeon growth phase must be performed accurately and correctly to finally produce a quality and valuable product. Sturgeon breeding is carried out in specialized fish farms under the supervision of experts; therefore, the way the caviar is treated is very important. At a young age, sturgeon need consistent feeding throughout the day and even at night and consistent feeding of protein pills to grow properly. As the fish get older, the number of feedings decreases. To remove toxic metabolites, certain bacteria are added to the growth tank and the fish storage area is monitored regularly to ensure optimal growth. After a few months, the pups are transferred to larger tanks. To allow the fish to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide, the water in the tank is continuously circulated. Solid waste is also removed from the tank by filtering the water. Under all these conditions, the caviar takes about 7 to 10 years to harvest. Eggs make up about 15-18% of a large weight. But strangely enough, males and females are indistinguishable to the naked eye. For this reason, high-frequency ultrasound is used to determine the sex of the fish and to determine the time of egg development in the stomach of the fish. Ultrasound procedures require a variety of methods to calm fish, such as exposure to carbon dioxide, the use of sedatives, or electric current. After calming the fish, a high-frequency ultrasound was performed to assess the sturgeon’s ovaries and to assess the number of eggs laid by each fish. A biopsy is also performed to determine egg quality, including color and size. It is said that at the age of seven, only 10-20% of the fish are ready to be harvested for caviar. Therefore, other fish will be put back in the tank to grow again. At the next processing step, the fish is placed in a clean aquarium to remove the unpleasant taste of the fish. One of the important points in the caviar processing stage is that the fish should not be stressed at any point in its growth. If the fish are stressed, they will resume their eggs and have to wait another year or two before they can reproduce. The different stages of caviar production are performed in three ways. Traditional method: In the traditional method of processing caviar, the sturgeon is first almost anesthetized by beating, then both ovaries are removed through a process called stripping, which makes a small incision in the abdominal wall of the fish and the caviar is pulled out of it. . . Cesarean section: At another stage of caviar treatment, the caviar can be easily removed by cesarean section, and the mouth is then sewn together to prepare the caviar for regrowth and production. Fish mouth massage method: In the third method, the caviar training process is performed by massaging the mouth of the fish.
Once the caviar has been drained, quickly cool the crispy eggs and gently rub your hands on a tablet to remove the film from the caviar. The caviar is then washed in cold water in several steps to remove impurities, crushed or crushed eggs and film residues. After further washing, in other stages, using a tool similar to tweezers, the caviar is crushed and the impurities are removed manually so that it passes smoothly and safely to the next stage. Then pour the clean caviar into a mesh container to drain. The way the caviar is processed is very important and its precision affects the final taste. Finally, before the caviar is packed, they are carefully weighed and marinated with very fine grains to add flavor and extend the shelf life. In the final stages of caviar production, it is first cooled at appropriate intervals to absorb the salt – from six minutes to several hours – then the excess water is drained by means of a filter. After rinsing, wipe the caviar with a towel.
farmed caviar
Amur Sturgeon farmed Group is the largest sturgeon farm in China One of the breeding companies and also one of the national sturgeon breeding industries. The company with the most complete industrial chain. This group has more than 10 people. Sturgeon breeding base and caviar production and processing with an annual production capacity of more than 10 tons of caviar, high standard and high standard, becomes a leading professional caviar and caviar sturgeon producer in Asia. Amur sturgeon caviar, with its unique omami and quality, as well as the natural and delicate aroma of the most noble wild sturgeon caviar, has conquered countless international sturgeon caviar and the world’s top food experts. Amour Group is committed to providing delicious caviar food to a large number of Chinese consumers and to introduce the sturgeon consumption culture of sturgeon.
sturgeon caviar
The eggs are medium sized, beautiful, fresh and slightly golden; The color is mostly golden yellow, and there are also brownish-yellow and grey-brown. The aroma is pure and elegant, and the taste is excellent; The entrance hall is fragrant and tasteful, elegant and pleasant; The crispness and elasticity are endless tastes.
darts caviar
The eggs are round and smooth, and the color is bright and golden. The colors are mostly pearl gray and taupe, but there are also golden yellows. Chewing eggs are full of elasticity, crispy and tasty, ripe and soft, with an elegant aroma and rich aftertaste, which is a great pleasure.
Sturgeon caviar
The eggs are elastic, and the particles are larger, like Dalby’s. The color is mostly pearl gray or brown, but also golden yellow. It is tender like butter, with a strong aroma and a long aftertaste, crunchy and tasty, with a pleasant aroma.
Siberian sturgeon caviar
The eggs are soft and elastic, mostly dark black and grey, some dark brown. Silky and refreshing, soft and fragrant, the aroma is clean and the aftertaste is light and slightly aromatic.
Russian sturgeon
Condition: Eggs are elastic, mostly dark brown, precious black and gold. Taste: Pure nutty aroma. Produced from natural sturgeon breeding in Heilongjiang, a unique species in Heilongjiang, China. This fish matures and lays eggs at the age of 8-10 years. English name of sturgeon: Amur Sturgeon Sturgeon species (Latin): Acipenser schrenckii. Appearance: The eggs are medium-sized, beautiful, fresh and slightly golden, the color is mostly golden yellow, but also yellowish-brown and grayish-brown. Age of fish: over 12 years Mouth feeling: clean and delicate aroma and great taste. The entrance is pleasant, beautiful and pleasant. Freshness and elasticity – endless taste. Shelf life: 6 months (2-2%) Packaging specifications: 10 g / 30 g / 50 g / 100 g / 500 g / 1500 g Availability: Four Seasons Release Detailed acquaintance with sturgeon species: Shi sturgeon is a high quality and rare fish with the highest economic value among sturgeon in China and is distributed in the Heilongjiang, Wusuli, Sunghua and other rivers. The temperature of sturgeon breeding environment is between hot and cold-water fish and generally the suitable temperature for breeding is 1 to 26 degrees and its largest sample reaches more than 100 kg. The body is slender and without scales, and behind it there are 5 rows of large diamond-shaped bony plates. The body is grayish-brown on the back, light black or gray in adolescents, and white on the abdomen. Sturgeon has large body characteristics, long life, high survival rate and fast growth rate. Natural sturgeons reach sexual maturity between the ages of 11 and 13, while farmed sturgeons reach sexual maturity earlier than normal sturgeons, usually between the ages of 7 and 8. Heilongjiang native sturgeon breeds native Chinese species. Natural female fish over 16 years old mature and lay eggs. This species has the largest caviar among all types of caviar. Dahl caviar is the only sturgeon caviar that can compete with the famous European caviar. English name of sturgeon: Kaluga Sturgeon species (Latin): Huso dauricus Appearance: The egg is round and smooth and light golden in color. The colors are mostly pearly gray and yellowish as well as golden yellow. Age of fish: over 15 years Flavor: The eggs are elastic, crisp and tasty, ripe and soft, with a delicate aroma and rich taste that brings beautiful pleasure. Shelf life: 6 months (2-2%) Packaging specifications: 10 g / 30 g / 50 g / 100 g / 500 g / 1500 g Availability: Limited supply for four seasons, high quality custom products. Detailed acquaintance with sturgeon species: Carp Yes, commonly known as carp, is a cartilaginous fish. This species appeared in the Cretaceous period 130 million years ago. This valuable fish in the world is just in the Heilongjiang River Basin and the largest freshwater fish in the world. The largest individuals are 5.6 meters long and weigh more than 1000 kg. It is mainly distributed in Heilongjiang and the lakes associated with its larger tributaries, especially in the middle parts of Heilongjiang. Secondly, it is found in waters such as downstream of Ursula and Sungari rivers and sometimes downstream of Nenjiang river.
The age of the fish is more than 50 years; the age of sexual maturity is 12-16 years. Dachshund fish is larger in size and is the largest freshwater fish. The mouth is large and crescent-shaped on the ventral surface of the head. There are 2 pairs of tentacles in front of the mouth and on the ventral surface of the snout, with the middle pair brought forward. The snout is triangular and pointed. The left and right gill membranes are connected to each other, which is different from sturgeon, and is one of the bases for the classification of sturgeon and sturgeon. There are two types: long nose and short nose. Dartier is wild and is a large, carnivorous freshwater fish. The larvae mainly eat down invertebrates, crustaceans and small fish, shrimp, insect larvae and so on. Detailed acquaintance with sturgeon species: The Amur Sturgeon Group relies on the Fish Research Institute of China’s Heilongjiang Province, which uses the excellent traits of pure sturgeon and sturgeon to breed and breed, and breeds about 10 sturgeon hybrids with different characteristics. Among these, the most suitable cultivar for producing caviar with high nutritional value is sturgeon caviar (Da ‘♀ sturgeon × Shi sturgeon ♂), which is produced from the hybridization of sturgeon and sturgeon and is a unique species with excellent cultivation. Sturgeon species in China The age of sexual maturity of sturgeon is from 8 to 10 years. Long body, black back, white abdomen, covered with 5 rows of bony plates, has the characteristics of rapid growth, high feed conversion, high disease resistance, high nutritional value and high meat content. the product. Dalmatian sturgeon is the main breeding species of Amur sturgeon and its creatures are numerous. It reproduces widely in Europe, America and China. This fish matures and lays eggs for more than 6 years. Siberian Amur sturgeon is the best of its kind. English name of sturgeon: Siberian sturgeon Sturgeon species (Latin): Acipenser baerii. Appearance: The eggs are soft and elastic, mostly black and dark gray, and some are dark gray. Age of fish: more than 10 years Flavor: silky and refreshing, soft and fragrant, clean and fresh, with a light and slightly fragrant taste. Shelf life: 6 months (2-2%) Packaging specifications: 10 g / 30 g / 50 g / 100 g / 500 g / 1500 g Availability: Four Seasons Release Detailed acquaintance with sturgeon species: The body of the long Siberian sturgeon is spindle-shaped, which expands towards the tail and becomes thin, and the person is small. The height of an adult sexually is usually 90-130 cm and the largest is 2 meters. 25 kg and the heaviest 200 kg. The largest Siberian sturgeon, with a total length of 3 meters. Siberian sturgeon can survive in waters where the water temperature and salinity are very different. The ideal water temperature for growth is 15-25 degrees Celsius, but it can withstand extreme cold and heat. Winter nourish and grow. It can feed on a variety of prey organisms and has a high growth potential. Siberian sturgeon is suitable for breeding in lakes and ponds. Conditions for grafting, releasing or artificially breeding Siberian sturgeon are available in northern and southern China. Due to the fact that Siberian sturgeon require lower temperature water conditions for reproduction, hatching and rearing of juveniles, and adults grow faster in warm water, the Amur sturgeon group uses artificial rearing and juvenile rearing in the north. he does. The South is causing the rapid growth of adult fish, and its scale and number are steadily increasing year by year.
English name of sturgeon: Russian sturgeon Sturgeon species (Latin): Acipenser gueldenstaedti Condition: The eggs are elastic, mostly dark brown, black and golden in color. Age of fish: over 15 years Sense of mouth: Pure aroma of nuts. Shelf life: 6 months (2-2%) Packaging specifications: 10 g / 30 g / 50 g / 100 g / 500 g / 1500 g Availability: Customized a year ago Detailed acquaintance with sturgeon species: Produced in the former Soviet Union, it lives mainly in the Caspian Sea and the Azov-Black Sea system. It was introduced to China in 1993 and was successfully cultivated. Russian sturgeon have large individual growth, rapid growth rate and disease resistance, and after artificial domestication have become excellent for industrialization, pond and water management. The first maturation of Russian sturgeon occurs at the age of 7-9 years, females generally mature at the age of 16-16 years and males more at the age of 13-13 years. This person is elongated, spindle-shaped, body height is 12-14% of the total length, snout short and smooth, slightly rounded. The body is covered with 5 rows of bony plates, and between the rows of bony plates on the surface of the body there are many small bony plates, often called stars. Body color is black gray, light green or dark green on the back, usually brownish brown on the sides, gray or slightly lemon yellow on the abdomen. Teens are white on the back and white on the abdomen. The optimum temperature for growth is 18-25 ° C and the optimum temperature is 20-24 ° C. sturgeon farming Heilongjiang native sturgeon breeds native Chinese species. Natural female fish over 16 years old mature and lay eggs. This species has the largest caviar among all types of caviar. Dahl caviar is the only sturgeon farming caviar that can compete with the famous European caviar.
English name of sturgeon: Kaluga Sturgeon species (Latin): Huso dauricus Appearance: The egg is round and smooth and light golden in color. The colors are mostly pearly gray and yellowish as well as golden yellow. Age of fish: over 15 years Flavor: The eggs are elastic, crisp and tasty, ripe and soft, with a delicate aroma and rich taste that brings beautiful pleasure. Shelf life: 6 months (2-2%) Packaging specifications: 10 g / 30 g / 50 g / 100 g / 500 g / 1500 g Availability: Limited supply for four seasons, high quality custom products. Caviar Caviar under the brand name “Amur” is made from high-quality sturgeon caviar grown in the main natural environment of the cold spring waters of the Yunnan plateau. Amur caviar has been highly appreciated by buyers and lovers of the world-famous caviar and has become very popular in the world market.
The Amur Sturgeon Group aims to deliver delicious caviar dishes to Chinese consumers and lead the domestic caviar fashion culture. Currently, Amur caviar is produced from all four world-famous types of sturgeon fish farmed by the company: shea, flatfish, flatfish and Siberian sturgeon.
sturgeon farming
Location of Guizhou Sturgeon Technology Company base taken on August 4th. When I arrived at the sturgeon farming breeding base, they checked the maturity of the eggs of the broodstock at the base of the equipment, and the workers sorted the fry by size. In fish ponds of different sizes, young stock, juveniles from 10 cm to 50 cm long, broodstock of various species weighing more than 70 kg are grown. According to Zhou Lii, production manager of the base, the company is currently mainly engaged in rearing broodstock and rearing fry. “We found that sturgeon fry raised in Guizhou Province are mainly imported from outside the province, and the breeding history is relatively short. Although there are a certain number of broodstock in the province, their total number is still small. artificial breeding of fry is still impossible. To meet the high demand caused by the development of the sturgeon industry in Guizhou,” On August 4, Zhou Lee harvested sturgeon and showed it to reporters. Photo by Shin Hwant Lu Zhijia Since Guizhou Sturgeon Technology was established in Songtao City in 2019, it has introduced and bred more than 600 species of sturgeon breeders, including Shi sturgeon, Da sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, Siberian sturgeon, and Highborough sturgeon. The company currently produces 2 million baby fish larger than 10 cm and 10 million fertilized eggs and splash (newly hatched offspring) annually. On August 4, Zhou Lee harvested sturgeon and showed it to reporters. Photo by Shin Hwant Lu Zhijia Since Guizhou Sturgeon Technology was established in Songtao City in 2019, it has introduced and bred more than 600 species of sturgeon breeders, including Shi sturgeon, Da sturgeon, Russian sturgeon, Siberian sturgeon, and Highborough sturgeon. The company currently produces 2 million baby fish larger than 10 cm and 10 million fertilized eggs and splash (newly hatched offspring) annually. On August 4, Zhou Lii used a razor blade to check the maturity of sturgeon eggs. Photo by Shin Hwant Lu Zhijia “Our market strategy is to put ourselves in Guizhou and look at the whole country. ” Zhou Li introduced that in addition to supplying sturgeon companies in Guizhou, the company’s products have been sold to Yunnan, Henan, Shandong, Hubei, Xinjiang and others. Places According to Zhou Li, Guizhou has unique conditions for sturgeon farming. Guizhou has abundant cold water resources, excellent water quality and natural decline, so there is no need to “raise water for fish farming”; In addition, water, electricity and labor costs are relatively low. Depending on the cost of each cat, as we used to do for sturgeon breeding in Shandong, the cost per cat is between 9 yuan and 9.5 yuan, and in Guizhou it does not exceed 7 yuan. Gradually, the transition from low-profit to cost-effective breeding costs has become an important way to make a profit. Therefore, Guizhou’s industrial benefits are still very obvious. When the reporter visited the base, he noticed that in the warehouse where the food was stacked, there were more than twelve bags of snake skin containing more than ten types of Chinese herbal medicine such as rhubarb, Captis, Gardenia, Isatis root, Astragalus, Licorice. Had. Andrographis paniculata. “Our sturgeon usually take Chinese medicine to protect their bodies,” On August 4, experts from Guizhou Sturgeon Technology Company presented a Chinese herbal medicine for sturgeon. Photo by Shin Hwant Lu Zhizhi It was found that in order to reduce the number of sturgeons in the breeding process and reduce the use of Western medicine, Sturgeon Technologies specifically introduced technical staff to use Chinese herbal medicines to “treat” sturgeon diseases. The fried fish, based at the Guizhou Sturgeon Technology Company, was filmed on August 4th. Xinhuanet Photo by Lu Zhizhi “For example, we can use rhubarb to increase the resistance of fish, and Coptis chinensis – to treat sturgeon enteritis and other diseases of the digestive tract.
We will also do healing baths for sturgeon by changing the water temperature to improve sturgeon immunity. ” Sun Qifa technicians have found that sturgeon morbidity and mortality can be effectively reduced if taken orally and topically using Chinese herbal remedies. “The spring water we use in fish farming meets drinking water standards and Chinese herbs are used to treat diseases, so fish raised in this way is a real ecological fish. I hope that the sturgeon breeding business in the province will develop together and help “Fish from the Mountain and Fish from the Sea” in the concept of organic fishing.
what is white sturgeon caviar
White caviar can be sold in Iran. White caviar is the same as snail eggs. Unlike black caviar, white caviar is a snail egg that tastes no less than black caviar. The caviar is made from a snail called Scargo and is currently available under the caviar brand Rybid. Due to the spectrum of colors of white caviar, white caviar is placed on it, which is very light and white. White caviar, as well as black, is one of the most expensive foods in the world, which is very tasty. Since every consumer has different tastes, the method of serving white caviar in Iran varies from customer to customer. Many people like caviar with different seasonings and spices. You can find out by contacting the price of Iranian white caviar from a reputable institution located in Iran. In addition to white caviar, Iran’s vast waters are home to a variety of sturgeon products, each with its own range of colors. Caviar should be served in steel containers to absorb more properties. The daily price of white caviar varies from each well-known Iranian institution. Each specialty prevalent in the franchise results in different prices for other brands of caviar and sturgeon meat in Iran. How to sell white caviar and how to store it? How to store white caviar in the refrigerator, if you do not have a sturgeon dish, then store this product in the same place in the refrigerator, in a cool or cool place, so that it does not spoil and can be stored for a long time. To prepare yourself, you can refer to major Iranian brands. Caspian white caviar is one of the most important options for providing the energy needed for physical activity. Barres Foods has a lot of fans these days. The White Caviar Distribution Center has good standards to offer its products to other countries. Since the export of goods to developed countries plays an important role in the security of the country’s economy, they are pushing sellers in this direction. White caviar is the name of a type of snail egg that has excellent nutritional value. It is one of the best caviar available today at great prices at home and abroad. An egg that can cure many heart diseases. Since white caviar has very good properties to remove calcium deficiency and reduce the amount of hemoglobin, so it can regulate the blood in the body, which is the most popular name of the food. Your Immune System Claims: They think caviar is very nutritious and valuable, and they believe it is the number one and most important option for improving your personal life. For best results, he says, eat caviar with vegetables to see the effect for yourself. But the most interesting information about white caviar is how the caviar or smoked caviar is cooked, which greatly advanced the field of employment. You can improve this caviar export by smoking these caviar eggs. In addition, white caviar can reach a size of up to 1500 kg and a length of 7 m. Sturgeon usually have cartilaginous bodies and travel to rivers to lay their eggs. But how much would it cost you to make this caviar? But research on different species of white caviar shows that different species of sturgeon are divided into 27 species, 4 genera and several subspecies. The region is home to about 5 species from Iran, all of which live in the Caspian Sea. If this content was useful to you and you are interested in buying the best caviar in the Middle East, please contact us.
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